This tropical dynamics course is based on textbook “Tropical Dynamics” by Roger Smith (2015) and Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics by Geoffrey K. Vallis. The goal of this course is to help students have general pictures of tropical climatology including (1) scale analysis in tropics (i.e., why we care about moisture more than temperature) (2) zonal mean climatology, (3) cloud, radiation and circulation, (4) tropical atmospheric and oceanic variability, and (5) troposphere and stratosphere interaction.
Prerequisites for this class includes (1) Dynamics I & II, (2) Applied Math I&2, (3) Atmospheric Thermodynamics.
Course Outline¶
Part I: Climatology
Week 1: Observational Evidence
The zonal mean circulation (energy and precipitation)
Walker circulation and deviation from zonal Mean
Tropical variability: convection, waves and moisture
Brief introduction to theories in tropical dynamics
Governing equation on a sphere
Weak temperature gradient/Weak Coriolis force assumptions
Quasi-equilibrium vs Cumulus Ensemble
Clausius–Clapeyron equation
Held-Hou model for Hadley Cell
Energy flux equator
What sets the boundary of Hadley Cell
The connection with South Asia Monsoon
Part II: Variability
Week 6 and 7: Tropical Wave Theory
Governing equation and assumptions of tropical atmospheric waves
Conservation of shallow water PV
Equatorial wave equation
Horizontal wave solution
Vertical normal modes
Convective-coupled Waves
Week 8: Madden-Julian oscillation
Theories for MJO
Wave Perspective
Moisture Mode Framework
Some Evidence from Wave Dynamics Perspective
Boundary Layer Momentum Balance
Lidzen-Nigam Model
Some Evidence from Moisture Mode Framework
Gill Solution
Gross-moist Stability
Week 9: Quasi-biennial Oscillation
Quasi-Bieannial Oscillation
Doppler-Shift of wave and the deposition of wave energy
The direction of momentum transport
Lidzen and Holton model
Week 10: El Ni~no Southern Oscillation
Warm Water Volume (Recharge-Discharge oscillator)
Wave School
The Primitive Equation of ENSO Model
ENSO Diversity
Week 11 Teleconnection
The conservation of planetary vorticity and Rossby wave source
Hoskins’ model
Part III: Climate Change
Week 12: The Projection of Future Hydrological Cycle
Tropical circulation in the future climate
Simple law for future tropical hydrological cycle